Why did i get this question wrong?

its about a u shaped tube with a simepermeable membrane

0.3 M Fe (NO3)2 <~ U
~> 0.5 M sugar
0.1 M NaCl
So I did this:
0.3 x3 = 0.9

= 0.7

so i chose the answer increase in the water level to the left side of the tube.

why is my answer wrong?

Based on the given information, it seems that you calculated the concentration of each solution correctly. However, your reasoning for choosing the answer, "increase in the water level to the left side of the tube," is incorrect.

In this scenario, the U-shaped tube contains three solutions: 0.3 M Fe(NO3)2, 0.5 M sugar, and 0.1 M NaCl. It is important to note that the semipermeable membrane in the middle allows only water molecules to pass through, while the solute particles such as Fe(NO3)2, sugar, and NaCl are restricted from moving across the membrane.

Since water molecules can move freely, they tend to move from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration in an attempt to equalize the concentrations on both sides of the membrane.

In this case, the concentration of water is higher on the left side because it has a higher concentration of solute particles (0.7 M) compared to the right side (0.5 M). Therefore, water will move from the left side to the right side, resulting in an increase in the water level on the right side of the tube, not the left side.

Hence, the correct answer would be an "increase in the water level on the right side of the tube," based on the principles of osmosis and the movement of water molecules across a semipermeable membrane.