How can I fix this sentence?

I have been busy of doing my homework every Thursday, and I only have two hours of sleep every Thursday.

Get rid of "of"...I have been busy doing my homework.....


To fix this sentence, you can make a few changes:

"I have been busy doing my homework every Thursday, and I only get two hours of sleep on those nights."

Here's how you can fix it:

1. Remove the unnecessary preposition "of" after "busy."

2. Use the present participle form of the verb "do" instead of "of doing."

3. Replace "have" with "get" to convey the idea of receiving or achieving something, which is more appropriate in this context.

4. Specify that you only get two hours of sleep on Thursday nights, rather than every night.

Remember, when proofreading your writing, it's always a good idea to read it out loud to spot any awkward phrasing or grammatical errors.