1.When Miss Darcy arriveed, everyone had gone home

2 What were the names of the men on the committee?

What is your question?

select the verb form that best fits the sentence.


select the verb form that best fits the sentence.

1.When Miss Darcy arriveed, everyone had gone home.
2 What are the names of the men on the committee?

Your sentences are correct.

you spelled arrived wrong.

1. To determine when Miss Darcy arrived, you can use the usage of tenses in the sentence "When Miss Darcy arrived, everyone had gone home." The past perfect tense "had gone" indicates an action that was already completed before another action in the past. In this case, the action of everyone going home had happened before Miss Darcy arrived. Therefore, Miss Darcy arrived after everyone had gone home.

2. To find out the names of the men on the committee, you would need more information. The question itself does not provide any names. In order to find the names, you could refer to any available information, such as a document, an announcement, a website, or even ask someone who has the information. Without any specific context or available sources, it is not possible to answer this question accurately.