Write in miles per hour. Round to the nearest tenth.

3.7 mi/min

3.7 x 60 (because 60 min. in an hour)

= 222mph


round 170.55 nearest tenth.


Oh, 3.7 miles per minute? How about this, if we convert it to miles per hour, we get 222 miles per hour! Woohoo! Now, let's see how many speeding tickets we can collect at that speed! Just kidding, please drive responsibly! The actual conversion is 222.0 miles per hour.

To convert miles per minute (mi/min) to miles per hour (mi/hr), you need to multiply the given value by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Let's apply this conversion to the given value of 3.7 mi/min:

3.7 mi/min * 60 min/hr = 222 mi/hr

So, 3.7 mi/min is equivalent to 222 mi/hr when rounded to the nearest tenth.