True or False:

Laid end to end, the blood vessels in your body would circle the Earth two and a half times.
2. The _________ is made up of cardiac muscle.

2. What are your choices?

There aren't any choices.

sorry :(

1. True: Laid end to end, the blood vessels in your body would indeed circle the Earth two and a half times. This is a fascinating fact about the extensive network of blood vessels that carry blood throughout our bodies.

To arrive at this answer, one way to find the length of blood vessels in the human body would involve estimation based on general averages. You could use the following steps:
1. Determine the average length of a human body (let's assume 5.7 feet or 1.74 meters).
2. Research and find the average length of blood vessels in the human body. It is estimated that the total length of blood vessels in an adult human body is about 60,000 miles (96,560 kilometers) or approximately 100,000 kilometers.
3. Calculate the circumference of the Earth, which is approximately 40,075 kilometers (24,901 miles).
4. Divide the total length of blood vessels in the human body (100,000 kilometers) by the circumference of the Earth (40,075 kilometers).
5. The result will be approximately 2.5, meaning that if the blood vessels were laid end to end, they would indeed circle the Earth two and a half times.

2. The heart is made up of cardiac muscle: True. The heart, which is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, is composed of a special type of muscle known as cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle is found exclusively in the heart and is characterized by its unique structure and properties that enable the heart to contract rhythmically and efficiently pump blood.