TABLE 12-11

Parents complain that children read too few storybooks and watch too much television nowadays. A survey of 1,000 children reveals the following information on average time spent watching TV and average time spent reading storybooks

Average time spent reading story books
Average time spent watching TV Less than 1 hour Between 1and 2 hours More than 2 hours
Less than 2 hours 90 85 130
More than 2 hours 655 32 8

(a) Referring to Table 12-11, how many children in the survey spent less than 2 hours watching TV and more than 2 hours reading story books on average?
A) 8
B) 130
C) 175
D) 687

(b) Referring to Table 12-11, how many children in the survey spent less than 2 hours watching TV and no more than 2 hours reading storybooks on average?
A) 8
B) 130
C) 175
D) 687

130 and 175

130 and 130

To answer these questions, let's refer to Table 12-11.

(a) The question asks about the number of children who spent less than 2 hours watching TV and more than 2 hours reading storybooks on average. From the table, we can see that the corresponding value is 8. Therefore, the answer is A) 8.

(b) The question asks about the number of children who spent less than 2 hours watching TV and no more than 2 hours reading storybooks on average. Looking at the table, we find that the sum of the values in the cells where the TV watching time is less than 2 hours and the storybook reading time is less than or equal to 2 hours is given by the sum of the values in cells (90 + 85 + 130) which equals 305. Therefore, the answer is not provided in the given options.

To answer these questions, we need to analyze the data in Table 12-11. The table shows the average time spent reading storybooks and watching TV for a survey of 1,000 children. Let's break down the information in the table:

Average time spent reading storybooks:
- Less than 1 hour: 90 children
- Between 1 and 2 hours: 85 children
- More than 2 hours: 130 children

Average time spent watching TV:
- Less than 2 hours: 90 + 85 = 175 children
- Between 1 and 2 hours: 32 children
- More than 2 hours: 8 children

Now let's answer the questions:

(a) How many children spent less than 2 hours watching TV and more than 2 hours reading storybooks on average?
From the table, we see that the number of children who spent less than 2 hours watching TV is 175, and the number of children who spent more than 2 hours reading storybooks is 130. To find the number of children meeting both conditions, we need to look at the intersection of these two categories. Looking at the table, we can see that the number in this intersection is 8. Therefore, the answer is (A) 8.

(b) How many children spent less than 2 hours watching TV and no more than 2 hours reading storybooks on average?
Again, we know that the number of children who spent less than 2 hours watching TV is 175. However, this time we need to find the number of children who spent no more than 2 hours reading storybooks. To get this number, we need to sum the values for children who spent less than or equal to 2 hours reading storybooks, which are the values in the first column of the table. Adding up these numbers (90 + 655), we find that 745 children spent no more than 2 hours reading storybooks. Now, to find the number of children meeting both conditions, we need to look at the intersection of these two categories. Looking at the table, we see that the number in this intersection is 8. Therefore, the answer is (A) 8.