This is the Problem, I just want to get a little help on this problem.

Suppose automile repair customers are billed at the rate of $35 per hour for labor. Also, costs for parts and supplies are subject to a 5% sales tax. Write a program to display a simplified bill. The customer's name, the number of hours of labor, and the cost of parts and supplies should be entered into the program via text boxes. When a button is clicked, the customer's name (indented) and the three costs should be displayed in a list box. I'm a little unsure of the listbox line and the formulas. Help!!!

Customer John Doe(textbox)
Hours of Labor 3.5 (textbox)
cos of parts
and supplies 23.55 (textbos)


Listbox Displays

Customer John Doe
Hours of Labor $122.50
Parts Cost $24.73
Total cost $147.23

(This is Visual Basics 2008)

Also, study the recent program with textbox output and inputbox input. It will give you a good idea where to start.

Thanx I will check.

To solve this problem, you can follow these steps in Visual Basic 2008:

1. Create a Windows Forms Application project in Visual Basic.
2. Drag and drop the necessary controls onto the form, including three text boxes (one for customer name, one for hours of labor, and one for cost of parts and supplies), a button, and a list box.
3. Double-click on the button to generate a click event handler.
4. In the click event handler, you will need to write code to calculate and display the simplified bill in the list box.

Here's an example of the code you can use in the button click event handler:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Read customer name from the text box
Dim customerName As String = TextBox1.Text

' Read hours of labor from the text box and calculate labor cost
Dim hoursOfLabor As Double = Double.Parse(TextBox2.Text)
Dim laborCost As Double = hoursOfLabor * 35

' Read cost of parts and supplies from the text box and calculate sales tax
Dim costOfParts As Double = Double.Parse(TextBox3.Text)
Dim partsCost As Double = costOfParts + (costOfParts * 0.05)

' Calculate total cost
Dim totalCost As Double = laborCost + partsCost

' Add the customer name and costs to the list box
ListBox1.Items.Add("Customer: " & customerName)
ListBox1.Items.Add("Hours of Labor: $" & laborCost.ToString("0.00"))
ListBox1.Items.Add("Parts Cost: $" & partsCost.ToString("0.00"))
ListBox1.Items.Add("Total Cost: $" & totalCost.ToString("0.00"))
End Sub

Make sure to replace "Button1", "TextBox1", "TextBox2", "TextBox3", and "ListBox1" with the actual names of your controls in the form.

Once you have written the code, you can run the program and enter the customer's name, hours of labor, and cost of parts and supplies into the respective text boxes. When you click the button, the customer's name and the calculated costs will be displayed in the list box.

Hope this helps!