What's ab squared also explain how it is

ab^2, "how it is" is whatever the value is for a multiplied by the value of b, and then square that number..example: if a=2 and b=3, ab^2=2(3)^2=6^2=36

(ab)^2= a^2*b^2

To understand what "ab squared" means, we need to break it down into its components.

First, let's look at "ab." In mathematics, when we have two or more variables or terms multiplied together, we call it a product. In this case, "ab" represents the product of the variables or terms 'a' and 'b'.

Next, we have the "squared" part. Squaring a number or expression means multiplying it by itself. In this case, "ab squared" means taking the product of 'a' and 'b' and then multiplying it by itself.

So, if we have 'ab' as the product of 'a' and 'b', then 'ab squared' can be written as (ab)^2, which is equivalent to (ab) * (ab).

For example, if 'a' is 2 and 'b' is 3, then 'ab' would be 2 * 3 = 6. And if we want to find 'ab squared', we would calculate (ab)^2 = (6)^2 = 36.

In general, 'ab squared' is the result of multiplying the product of 'a' and 'b' by itself.