This is a from chapter 3 #82. the problem is:

Write a program to calculate the amount of a server's tip given the amount of the bill and the percentage tip obtained via imput dialog boxes. The output should be a complete sentence that reiterates the inputs and gives the resulting tip, as shown in example ("A 15% tip on $20.00 is $3.00") I am including a copy of the program I've created so far. It's not displaying the above information.


Public Class frmTip

Private Sub btnEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnter.Click
Dim billAmount As Double
Dim percent, tip As Double
billAmount = CDbl(InputBox("Amount of Bill"))
percent = CDbl(InputBox("Amount of Tip"))
tip = billAmount * percent / 100
txtOutput.Text = CDbl(Math.Round(tip, 2))
txtOutput.Text = "A percent tip on bill is tip"
End Sub
End Class

I'm not sure what I'm suppose to include. HELP!!

This problem actually turned you into a woman named Stacy. You might want to check my response in that question a few lines above this question. :-)

It looks like there are a few issues with your code. First, you're missing some quotation marks in the last line where you want to display the output sentence. Secondly, you're assigning the calculated tip to the text box without formatting it into a currency format. Here's an updated version of your code:

Public Class frmTip

Private Sub btnEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnter.Click
Dim billAmount As Double
Dim percent, tip As Double
billAmount = CDbl(InputBox("Amount of Bill"))
percent = CDbl(InputBox("Amount of Tip"))
tip = billAmount * percent / 100
txtOutput.Text = "A " & percent & "% tip on $" & billAmount.ToString("F2") & " is $" & tip.ToString("F2")
End Sub
End Class

In this updated code, the `ToString("F2")` method is used to format the dollar amounts with 2 decimal places. Additionally, the output sentence is constructed using string concatenation (`&` operator) to include the input values and the calculated tip.