I have to write a eulogy for Juliet. And every sentence have 10 sylables can you check my work please.

Juliet was good,young,and full of love
she was born a short 13 years ago.
she was always polite,never talked back,
she was in love too much with Romeo.
And to be with him she gave her own life.
Night and the stary sky was what she liked.
Being left without a choice she disliliked.
How her parents loved her so very much,
For Romeo she left their hearts empty.
She wont ever be someone forgotten.

I have to keep my sentences with 10 sylables thank you.


Great! 2 typos: disliked and starry

Sure, I can check your work for sentences with 10 syllables. Here's the breakdown of the syllable count for each sentence:

1. Juliet was good, young, and full of love (10 syllables)
2. She was born a short 13 years ago (10 syllables)
3. She was always polite, never talked back (11 syllables)
4. She was in love too much with Romeo (10 syllables)
5. And to be with him she gave her own life (11 syllables)
6. Night and the starry sky was what she liked (10 syllables)
7. Being left without a choice she disliked (10 syllables)
8. How her parents loved her so very much (11 syllables)
9. For Romeo she left their hearts empty (10 syllables)
10. She won't ever be someone forgotten (10 syllables)

It seems like a few sentences have more than 10 syllables. To make them fit, you can try to revise them by rearranging or replacing certain words. For example, in sentence 3, you can rewrite it as "Always polite, she never talked back" to maintain a 10-syllable count.

I hope this helps!