what foods where in the new world before the columbian exchange?

maize, cacao, potatoes, tomatoes, other vegetables and grains, plus various meats such as venison and rabbit

thank you,what is maize????

Maize is also called Indian corn.


why is breakfeast the most important meal of the day?

It's been 12 hours or so since we last ate.


Before the Columbian Exchange, there were a variety of foods that existed in the New World. To understand which foods were present, we need to look at the native civilizations that inhabited the Americas before Christopher Columbus's arrival. Here's how you can explore this topic further:

1. Research Native American civilizations: Start by learning about the different indigenous cultures that thrived in the Americas before Columbus. Native American tribes such as the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas had well-developed agricultural systems and cultivated numerous crops.

2. Investigate staple crops: Look into the primary crops cultivated by Native Americans. For example, corn (maize) was one of the most important staple foods across various regions. Other vital crops included beans, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, cocoa beans, and various types of fruits like avocados and pineapples.

3. Study regional variations: Native American tribes occupied diverse regions with varying climates, leading to the cultivation of specific crops suited to each area. For instance, potatoes were grown in the Andean region, while beans were widely cultivated in Mesoamerica.

4. Understand traditional cooking methods: Native Americans had unique cooking techniques like roasting, boiling, and steaming. Exploring these cooking methods can provide insights into how these foods were prepared and consumed.

5. Delve into historical accounts and archeological findings: Explore primary sources, historical accounts, and archeological evidence to learn more about the foods consumed in the New World before the Columbian Exchange. These sources can provide detailed information about native agriculture, cooking practices, and dietary habits.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather a wealth of information about the foods that were present in the New World prior to the arrival of Columbus and the agricultural exchange that followed.