which region(s)have the most peole living near each other?

Doesn't your book say that this region is near the coast?


never mind that but how do virginia's bordering water features affect population?

What does your book say?

To determine which region(s) have the most people living near each other, we need to consider population density. Population density is the measurement of the number of people per unit of area, typically expressed as people per square kilometer or square mile.

To find the regions with the highest population density, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify relevant data sources: Look for reliable sources that provide population and area information for various regions or countries. Government statistical agencies, research organizations, or international databases like the World Bank, United Nations, or World Population Review can be good starting points.

2. Obtain population data: Collect the population numbers for different regions. Make sure you are comparing the same units, such as the total population for each region.

3. Gather area data: Find the area for each region or country within your chosen unit of measurement (e.g. square kilometers or square miles).

4. Calculate population density: Divide the total population of each region by its corresponding area to calculate population density. For example, population density = total population / area.

5. Compare population densities: Once you have calculated population density for each region, compare the values to determine which region(s) have the highest population density. The region(s) with the highest population density will indicate where people are living closest to each other.

Keep in mind that population density can change over time as populations grow and migrate. Additionally, different regions may vary significantly in terms of their urbanization or rural distribution, which can affect population density.