I'm having trouble understanding how I am supposed to identify the theme of creating art. Should I be looking at the environment the author is trying to create or should I be looking in a different direction?

Please explain: "the theme of creating art" = ???

Which titles and/or authors are you trying to deal with?

exactly my problem. I guess im supposed to see a theme developing of some kind of art?

And you have no restrictions about author or title?

Try this:

A poem: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/mus-eacute-e-des-beaux-arts/

And the painting it's referring to:

Does this help?

so what your saying instead of looking at the poem as a poem I should be identifying the environments and situations described in the poem

I think that would work, yes.

It's a very famous pairing -- the painting by Breughel (1558) and the poem about the painting (published in 1940).

The first time I read that poem, I felt as if I were walking around in an art gallery or museum -- and then I found the painting in an art history text.

ok that's what I was thinking. I was reading Emily Dickinson I heard a fly buzz, but just didn't really get the question.

Hmmm. I don't "get" any art connection in her poem!!

i know right

the question posed to me is do I see a theme of developing art

Understanding the theme of creating art can be subjective and may vary depending on the context. To identify the theme, you can consider multiple factors including the environment the author is creating, but it's important to look beyond just that.

Here are a few steps you can take to better understand the theme of creating art:

1. Start by analyzing the author's purpose: Consider why the author chose to create this piece of art. What message or ideas might they be trying to convey through their work? Look for clues in the artist's statements, descriptions, or any accompanying materials.

2. Look for recurring symbols or motifs: Pay attention to any recurring symbols, images, or ideas within the artwork. These recurring elements often represent deeper themes that the artist wants to explore. Think about their significance and how they relate to the creation of art.

3. Consider the emotions evoked: Analyze the emotions or feelings that the artwork evokes within you. Do you feel a sense of despair, hope, joy, or confusion? Understanding how the author's artistic choices evoke certain emotions can provide insight into the underlying theme of creating art.

4. Explore artistic techniques: Look at the artistic techniques used by the author, such as brushwork, colors, composition, or style. These choices can often reflect and enhance the theme of creating art. For example, a messy and chaotic painting style may indicate an exploration of the creative process, while vibrant colors may represent the excitement of artistic expression.

5. Connect with historical and cultural context: Consider the historical and cultural context in which the artwork was created. Art is often influenced by the society and time period it emerges from. Understanding the cultural and historical contexts can shed light on the themes addressed by the artist in relation to the act of creation.

Remember that interpreting the theme of an artwork is subjective, and different viewers may have varying interpretations. Ultimately, it's important to engage with the artwork, analyze its various elements, and draw connections that resonate with you to arrive at your own understanding of the theme of creating art.