what is 3/10 divided by 13/14

(3/10) / (13/14)

(3/10) * (14/13) = 42/130 = 21/65

9 + 10 = 21

3/10 divided by 13/14 = 10/3 times 13/14 Answer: 130/42 Simplified: 21/65

To divide fractions, you need to follow these steps:

1. The first fraction (3/10) is called the dividend, and the second fraction (13/14) is called the divisor.
2. To divide fractions, the rule is to multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
3. To find the reciprocal of a fraction, you need to swap the numerator and denominator of the fraction.

Now let's apply these steps to solve 3/10 divided by 13/14:

Step 1: The dividend is 3/10, and the divisor is 13/14.

Step 2: To divide fractions, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor. So, multiply 3/10 by the reciprocal of 13/14.

The reciprocal of 13/14 is obtained by swapping the numerator and denominator, which gives us 14/13.

Step 3: Now, we can multiply the numerator of the dividend (3) by the numerator of the reciprocal (14), and multiply the denominator of the dividend (10) by the denominator of the reciprocal (13).

3/10 multiplied by 14/13 = (3 * 14) / (10 * 13) = 42 / 130

The answer to 3/10 divided by 13/14 is 42/130. You can simplify the fraction if needed.