I am writing a journal in the subjonctif which is fine. except i have NO idea how to write it in the passe compose.

For example, i wanted to write It is clear that she had the attention of the class..but i cannot figure out how to write in the the past (only present : il est clair que ella aie l'attention...)
Can somebody please give me an example of the subjonctif in the past!?

This one is easy because the auxiliary or helping verb is AVOIR and you already have that in the subjonctif except that you have the "je" form and not the "elle." All you have to do is add the past participle of the verb to have, and that is also AVOIR.

Il est clair...does NOT take the subjonctif because there is no doubt, emotion, BUT you might consider that judgment and then it would be followed by...qu'elle ait eu l'attention de la classe.

To clarify, if the auxiliary verb is AVOIR, you would have
j'aie nous ayons
tu aies vous ayez
elle/il/on ait ils/elles aient
PLUS the past participle of the verb.

If the auziliary verb is ETRE, you would have the subjonctof of ETRE:
je sois nous soyons
tu sois vous soyez
il/elle/on soit ils/elles soient
PLUS the past participle of the verb.

Sra (aka Mme)

thank you sooo much! :)

To write in the passé composé with the subjonctif, you can use the auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" in the subjunctive form followed by the past participle of the main verb.

For the example sentence "It is clear that she had the attention of the class," you can rewrite it in the past using the subjunctive mood as follows:

Il est clair qu'elle ait eu l'attention de la classe.

Here's how to break it down:

1. Start with the subject pronoun "il" (third-person singular) for "it."

2. Use the impersonal expression "il est clair que" to introduce an opinion or observation.

3. Follow it with the subjunctive form of the auxiliary verb "avoir" in the third-person singular: "ait" (present subjunctive of "avoir").

4. Then, add the past participle of the main verb "avoir": "eu" (past participle of "avoir").

5. Finally, complete the sentence with the object "l'attention de la classe" (the attention of the class).

By using the subjunctive in the past tense, you are expressing a doubt, necessity, or subjective opinion about the action happening in the past.