I need definitions for all of these words...THANKS!

Deccan Plateau
Vedic & Epic Ages
“Indian caste system” (Kshatriyas, Brahmins, Vaisyas & Sudras)
Maurya dynasty/Mauuryas
Guptas/Gupta dynasty
Bhagavad Gita
Buddha (Gautama)




I really wish for some one to do it for me!!!

Sorry -- we will help you, but we won't do your work for you.

Let us know if you have any questions AFTER you have looked these terms up. My preference is www.answers.com. You get results from several different dictionaries there.

Sure! Here are the definitions for all of those words:

1. Deccan Plateau: The Deccan Plateau is a large plateau located in central and southern India.

2. Monsoons: Monsoons are seasonal winds that bring heavy rainfall, especially in South Asia.

3. Vedic & Epic Ages: These refer to two periods in ancient Indian history. The Vedic Age is associated with the composition of the Hindu texts known as the Vedas, while the Epic Age includes the writing of Indian epic poems like the Mahabharata and Ramayana.

4. Sanskrit: Sanskrit is a classical language of ancient India and the liturgical language of Hinduism.

5. Rig-Veda: The Rig-Veda is one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. It is a collection of hymns and prayers.

6. Mahabharata: The Mahabharata is an epic tale and one of the longest poems in the world. It is primarily known for the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred dialogue between the prince Arjuna and the god Krishna.

7. Ramayana: The Ramayana is another famous epic poem of Hinduism. It tells the story of Prince Rama and his quest to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana.

8. Upanishads: The Upanishads are ancient philosophical texts that form the basis of Hindu philosophy. They explore various spiritual concepts and the nature of reality.

9. Indian caste system: The Indian caste system is a social hierarchy that categorizes individuals into different castes based on their birth. The four main castes are Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Brahmins (priests and scholars), Vaisyas (merchants and farmers), and Sudras (laborers).

10. Untouchables: Untouchables, also known as Dalits, are considered outside of the traditional caste system and face social discrimination and oppression.

11. Chandragupta: Chandragupta was the founder of the Maurya dynasty, which was one of the largest and most powerful empires in ancient India.

12. Maurya dynasty/Mauryas: The Maurya dynasty was an ancient Indian dynasty that ruled over most of the Indian subcontinent from 322 BCE to 185 BCE.

13. Ashoka: Ashoka was an emperor of the Maurya dynasty. He is known for promoting Buddhism and his role in spreading it throughout India.

14. Kushans: The Kushans were a Central Asian nomadic people who established an empire in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent during the 1st to 3rd centuries CE.

15. Guptas/Gupta dynasty: The Guptas were an ancient Indian dynasty that ruled a large part of northern India from the 4th to 6th centuries CE. They are known for their patronage of art, science, and literature.

16. Hinduism: Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices and is based on the sacred texts known as the Vedas.

17. Dharma: Dharma refers to the moral and ethical duties and responsibilities that individuals must fulfill in their lives according to Hinduism.

18. Gurus: Gurus are spiritual teachers or guides in Hinduism who provide knowledge and guidance to their disciples.

19. Vishnu: Vishnu is one of the principal deities in Hinduism. He is considered the preserver and protector of the universe.

20. Shiva: Shiva is another important deity in Hinduism. He represents destruction and transformation and is often associated with meditation and asceticism.

21. Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gita is a 700-verse sacred text of Hinduism that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata. It presents a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and the god Krishna, who serves as his charioteer.

22. Buddha (Gautama): Buddha, also known as Gautama Buddha, was the founder of Buddhism. He is revered as an enlightened teacher who discovered the path to spiritual liberation.

23. Nirvana: Nirvana is the ultimate goal in Buddhism. It refers to the state of liberation from suffering and the cycle of birth and death.

24. Kama-sutra: The Kama-sutra is an ancient Indian text that deals with various aspects of human relationships, including love, sex, and marital life.

25. Stupas: Stupas are structures used for Buddhist religious purposes. They are often dome-shaped and contain relics or sacred objects.