how are you suppose to respond to ¿quién es ella? the formal way in spanish?

That asks who is she. You would respond "Ella es _______."

To respond formally to the question "¿Quién es ella?" in Spanish, you can answer as follows:

"Ella es [name of the person]."

To respond to the question "¿quién es ella?" in a formal way in Spanish, you can use the following phrase structures:

1. "Ella es [name]." - Here, you should provide the person's name to answer the question. For example, if her name is Maria, you can say "Ella es María."

2. "Ella es [description]." - In this case, instead of providing the person's name, you can give a description of who she is. For example, you could say "Ella es la jefa de departamento" (She is the department manager).

It's important to mention that in the second case, you need to make sure that the person you're talking to is aware of who you are referring to, as you're using a description rather than a name.