
my solve(which didn't work tried 5 times)

where did i go wrong?

I got the same answer, but simplified 7/6 to 1 1/6

Let's take a closer look at your steps to find where the mistake occurred.

The original equation is:

5g + 4(-5 + 3g) = 1 - g

Expanding the brackets inside the parentheses gives:

5g + 4(-5) + 4(3g) = 1 - g

Now simplify each term:

5g - 20 + 12g = 1 - g

Next, combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

(5g + 12g) - 20 = 1 - g

This simplifies to:

17g - 20 = 1 - g

Now, the mistake occurred here. Instead of subtracting g from 1, you mistakenly subtracted g from 17g. To correct this, distribute the negative sign to the g on the right side:

17g - 20 = 1 + (-g)

Replace -g with -1g:

17g - 20 = 1 - 1g

Now, combine like terms by subtracting 1g from both sides:

17g + 1g - 20 = 1 - 1g + 1g

This simplifies to:

18g - 20 = 1

Finally, add 20 to both sides to isolate the variable term:

18g - 20 + 20 = 1 + 20

This simplifies to:

18g = 21

To solve for g, divide both sides by 18:

18g/18 = 21/18

This gives:

g = 7/6

So the correct solution is g = 7/6.