I will try this again. I have to identify the verb and tell if it's transitive or intransitive.

It is related to wheat, oats, and barley.

is related=intransitive

In Japan the hollow stems serve as water pipes.


Both are correct!

IS this a Transitive or intransitive sentence:

More than 500 kinds of bamboo grow in the tropics.

To identify the verb and determine if it is transitive or intransitive, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the verb in the sentence. The verb is the word that expresses an action or a state of being. In the given sentences, the verbs are "is related" and "serve".

Step 2: Determine if the verb is transitive or intransitive.

- Transitive verbs require a direct object to complete their meaning. Direct objects are the nouns or pronouns that receive the action of the verb. If there is a direct object, the verb is transitive.
- Intransitive verbs do not require a direct object to complete their meaning. They express an action or state that does not need an object. If there is no direct object, the verb is intransitive.

Based on these definitions, let's analyze the sentences:

1. "It is related to wheat, oats, and barley."
- In this sentence, the verb is "is related". It does not have a direct object. Instead, it states a relationship between "it" and "wheat, oats, and barley". Since it does not require a direct object, "is related" is an intransitive verb.

2. "In Japan, the hollow stems serve as water pipes."
- In this sentence, the verb is "serve". It does not have a direct object. It describes the purpose or function of the hollow stems, which is to act as water pipes. Therefore, "serve" is an intransitive verb.

Therefore, your answers are correct. "Is related" and "serve" are both intransitive verbs.