Design a program that will ask the user to enter the amount of a purchase. The program should the compute the state and county sales tax. Assume the state sales tax is 4 percent and the county sales tax is 2 percent. The program should display the amount of the purchase, the state sales tax, the county sales tax, the total sales tax, and the total of the sale (which is the sum of the amount of purchase plus the total sales tax).

Here is a Python program that accomplishes this task:

# Get the input from the user
purchase_amount = float(input("Please enter the amount of your purchase: "))

# Define the tax rates as percentages
state_tax_rate = 4
county_tax_rate = 2

# Calculate the sales taxes
state_sales_tax = purchase_amount * (state_tax_rate / 100)
county_sales_tax = purchase_amount * (county_tax_rate / 100)

# Calculate the total sales tax and total sale amount
total_sales_tax = state_sales_tax + county_sales_tax
total_sale = purchase_amount + total_sales_tax

# Display the results
print(f"Amount of purchase: ${purchase_amount:.2f}")
print(f"State sales tax: ${state_sales_tax:.2f}")
print(f"County sales tax: ${county_sales_tax:.2f}")
print(f"Total sales tax: ${total_sales_tax:.2f}")
print(f"Total sale: ${total_sale:.2f}")

This program takes the purchase amount input from the user, calculates the state and county sales tax rates, and then uses these to determine the total sales tax and final sale amount. The results are then displayed in a clear and concise format.

Sure! Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can design the program:

Step 1: Ask the user to enter the amount of the purchase.
Step 2: Retrieve the inputted value and store it in a variable, let's say `purchase_amount`.
Step 3: Calculate the state sales tax by multiplying the `purchase_amount` by 0.04 (4 percent).
- `state_tax = purchase_amount * 0.04`
Step 4: Calculate the county sales tax by multiplying the `purchase_amount` by 0.02 (2 percent).
- `county_tax = purchase_amount * 0.02`
Step 5: Calculate the total sales tax by summing up the state and county sales tax.
- `total_tax = state_tax + county_tax`
Step 6: Calculate the total amount of the sale by adding the `purchase_amount` and the total sales tax.
- `total_sale = purchase_amount + total_tax`
Step 7: Display the amount of the purchase, the state sales tax, the county sales tax, the total sales tax, and the total sale to the user.

Here's a Python code implementation of the program:

# Step 1
purchase_amount = float(input("Enter the amount of the purchase: "))

# Step 3
state_tax = purchase_amount * 0.04

# Step 4
county_tax = purchase_amount * 0.02

# Step 5
total_tax = state_tax + county_tax

# Step 6
total_sale = purchase_amount + total_tax

# Step 7
print("Amount of Purchase:", purchase_amount)
print("State Sales Tax:", state_tax)
print("County Sales Tax:", county_tax)
print("Total Sales Tax:", total_tax)
print("Total Sale:", total_sale)

I hope this helps you design your program! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To design a program that calculates sales tax and displays the total sales amount, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Accept user input

Prompt the user to enter the amount of the purchase and store the value in a variable, let's say `purchaseAmount`.

Step 2: Calculate state sales tax

Multiply the `purchaseAmount` by the state sales tax rate (4%) and store it in a variable, let's say `stateSalesTax`.

stateSalesTax = purchaseAmount * 0.04

Step 3: Calculate county sales tax

Multiply the `purchaseAmount` by the county sales tax rate (2%) and store it in a variable, let's say `countySalesTax`.

countySalesTax = purchaseAmount * 0.02

Step 4: Calculate total sales tax

Add the `stateSalesTax` and `countySalesTax` together and store the result in a variable, let's say `totalSalesTax`.

totalSalesTax = stateSalesTax + countySalesTax

Step 5: Calculate total sale amount

Add the `purchaseAmount` and the `totalSalesTax` together and store the result in a variable, let's say `totalSaleAmount`.

totalSaleAmount = purchaseAmount + totalSalesTax

Step 6: Display the results

Print out the values of `purchaseAmount`, `stateSalesTax`, `countySalesTax`, `totalSalesTax`, and `totalSaleAmount`.