I forgot to include a few other sentences on the paraphrase Wordsworth's "The Solitary Reaper".Thank you very much for helping me.

1)The poet gives universal significance to the girl’s song by introducing a remote, ancient dimension in time and space.
2)The poet doesn’t know the song she is singing.
3) As a matter of facts, the poet couldn’t understand the words of the song as the girl was presumably singing in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands.
4) He speculates that her song might be about heroic events of the past, about everyday life or a painful experience.
5) They have sorrow and unhappiness in common. Whatever she sings (or sang?) about, he says, he listened “motionless and still,” and as he travelled up the hill, he carried her song with him in his heart long after he could no longer hear it.
6)The last stanza is in the past tense which means that the poem is a memory, an experience recollected in tranquillity.
7) I'm carrying a rucksack on/over my shoulder/shoulders/back?
8)I like wearing two types of clothes. If I'm going out with my friends, I like wearing jeans but my favourite clothes are sports clothes (and not sportswear?) because they are more comfortable.
9) How often (also: how many times?) have you been to Mexico?

3. As a matter of fact (singular)...

Everything else is good, either as you have it or what you have in parentheses.


In order to paraphrase Wordsworth's "The Solitary Reaper" and include the provided sentences, you can follow these steps:

First, read and familiarize yourself with the original poem, "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth. Understand the main themes and ideas conveyed in the poem.

Next, review the sentences you want to include and identify the key points they make. Summarize these points in your own words without directly quoting the original sentences.

For example:

1) The poet emphasizes the universal significance of the girl's song by introducing a distant and ancient element in time and space.

2) The poet is unaware of the specific song the girl is singing.

3) It is mentioned that the poet couldn't understand the lyrics as the girl was likely singing in Gaelic, the native language of the Scottish Highlands.

4) The poet speculates on possible themes of the girl's song, including heroic events, everyday life, or personal struggles.

5) The poet expresses a deep connection with the girl's song, stating that he listened attentively and carried it within his heart even after he could no longer hear it.

6) The shift to past tense in the last stanza indicates that the poem is a recollection or memory of the experience.

With these paraphrased statements, you can integrate them into your discussion or essay about "The Solitary Reaper" while ensuring that you acknowledge William Wordsworth as the original author of the poem.