ok i have to plot a graph for my kinetics

our teacher said in the end it'd the end the graph would give me numbers like this,

y = 1.3x10^2x-11.2
r^2 = 1
but when i plot it, i get weird numbers. am i supposed to plot exponents as i wrote them below? also does Lnr become positive or negative when plotted?

my numbers are:
X value:



y value:
-11.8 (this number is LnR, i think the teacher said this number becomes positive when plotted? )



To plot the graph for your kinetics, you need to follow these steps:

1. Prepare your data points: Make sure you have the correct x and y values for your graph. It seems you already have these values, so you can continue to the next step.

2. Plot the data points: On a graph paper or a graphing software, mark the x and y values as points. Usually, the x-values are plotted on the horizontal (x-axis) and the y-values on the vertical (y-axis).

3. Choose the appropriate scale: Determine the range and increment for your axes based on your data. For example, you might set the x-axis from 3.10x10^-3 to 3.60x10^-3 with an increment of 0.05x10^-3, and the y-axis from -15 to 0 with an increment of 1.

4. Plot the line using the equation: Based on the equation given by your teacher (y = 1.3x10^2x - 11.2), you need to calculate the y-values corresponding to each x-value you have. To do this, substitute each x-value into the equation and calculate the resulting y-values. For example, for the x-value 3.50x10^-3, calculate y as follows:

y = 1.3(3.50x10^-3)^2 - 11.2

y = 1.3(12.25x10^-6) - 11.2

y ≈ -11.4188

5. Plot the line: Once you have calculated the y-values for each x-value, plot these points on the graph. Connect the points in a smooth line to represent the relationship described by the equation y = 1.3x10^2x - 11.2.

Regarding your specific questions about exponents and LnR:

- When plotting exponents like 10^-3 or 10^-6 on a graph, it is best to convert them to their non-scientific notation. In this case, 3.50x10^-3 would be written as 0.00350, 3.14x10^-3 as 0.00314, and 3.28x10^-3 as 0.00328.

- In the equation you mentioned (-11.8 (ln R)), the y-value appears to be the natural logarithm of R (which is likely a rate constant). When plotting this value on the graph, it should be negative since the natural logarithm of a positive number is always negative. Therefore, the y-value for -11.8 remains negative when plotted.

Remember to label your axes, provide a title for the graph, and include any necessary units.