clue using these unscramble letter:


answer the clue question
NASTY FACIAL EXPRSSION. The answer has two words. First word has four letters and the second word has seven letter.
Two word answer.

1. You don't say if it is just ONE word or more? Separate the vowels from the consonants and often that helps:

a e i u
g g g m m n n



To solve the unscramble letters, "UNGGGIEMANM," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying any vowels in the unscrambled letters. In this case, we have two vowels: U and I.

2. Look for any common patterns or combinations among the remaining consonants. By examining the letters, we can spot the combination "NGG" repeated twice. This pattern suggests that the word might be "NNN" followed by another consonant.

3. Now, we can try to guess some possible words that fit the given clue. For this clue, the answer is a phrase with two words. The first word is four letters long, and the second word is seven letters long. From here, we can consider some options like "MEAN" and "FACE" for the first word, and "EXPRESSION" for the second word.

4. Combining the options, we have "MEAN" and "EXPRESSION." By comparing the available letters with the options, we find that "MEAN" fits perfectly. Now, we are left with "GGGIEXPRESSION."

5. Finally, by rearranging the remaining letters, we can unscramble "GGGIEXPRESSION" to get the word "EXPRESSION."

So, the answer to the clue "NASTY FACIAL EXPRESSION" with two words (four letters for the first word and seven letters for the second word) is "MEAN EXPRESSION."