In a well developed paragraph respond to the following. After reading about yellow journalism, explain how the media may or may not influence American foreign policy? Basically, what affect can the media have on the government’s decisions? Be sure to state specific examples from the reading. You may also want to include current issues that may be affected by the media. Be very specific and write a proper well-developed paragraph.

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Yellow journalism refers to the sensationalized and exaggerated reporting style that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This type of journalism often involved the use of eye-catching headlines, fabricated stories, and biased or one-sided reporting to attract readership. The influence of such journalism on American foreign policy can be significant. Historically, it has been argued that yellow journalism played a central role in fueling public opinion and mobilizing support for the Spanish-American War in 1898. Newspapers like the New York Journal and the New York World engaged in a war of words, creating an atmosphere of hysteria and portraying Spain as a villainous oppressor. By exaggerating facts and fabricating stories, these media outlets successfully swayed public opinion, resulting in increased pressure on the government. Another example is the case of the Gulf War in the early 1990s when the media heavily influenced public opinion with its continuous coverage of the conflict. This coverage shaped the way people perceived the situation and consequently exerted pressure on the government to take action.

In the current context, the media's influence on American foreign policy remains significant. For instance, the portrayal of conflicts in the Middle East can shape public opinion and impact government decisions regarding military interventions. The media's coverage of the Syrian Civil War, for example, has influenced public sentiment and increased pressure on the government to take a stance. Similarly, the coverage of the ongoing tensions with Iran has the potential to shape public opinion and influence how the government navigates this complex situation. Moreover, social media platforms have further amplified the media's influence, as they provide a space for rapid dissemination of information and the spreading of narratives that can sway public sentiment and, subsequently, government decisions.

Overall, the media has the power to shape public opinion, influence the government's decision-making process, and possibly impact American foreign policy. By using sensationalized techniques, biased reporting, and strategic framing, the media can mold narrative and mobilize public support for or against certain government actions. It is crucial to critically analyze the media and seek diverse sources of information in order to maintain a well-rounded understanding of complex global issues and their potential implications for American foreign policy.