what is the mathematical expression of 9+4x5 divided by 2 ?


im not completely sure though if that's what youre looking for

Is it?

[(9 + 4) * 5]/ 2?

[9 + (4 * 5)]/2

or something else?

To find the mathematical expression of 9 + 4 × 5 divided by 2, we need to follow the order of operations or BEDMAS/BODMAS (Brackets, Exponents, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction) rule. This rule helps us determine which operation to perform first.

In the given expression, we have multiplication (4 × 5) and division (division by 2) to be performed before addition.

Step 1: Perform the multiplication: 4 × 5 equals 20.

Step 2: Perform the division: 20 divided by 2 equals 10.

Step 3: Perform the addition: 9 + 10 equals 19.

So, the mathematical expression of 9 + 4 × 5 divided by 2 is equal to 19.