Which compound on the left, when dissolved in water, does not produce the corresponding

compound(s) on the right?
1. N2O5 -> HNO3
2. CaO -> Ca(OH)2
3. NaH -> NaOH + H2
4. SO2 -> H2SO4
5. Cl2O7 -> HClO4

SO2 + H2O ==> H2SO3 (not H2SO4)

To determine which compound on the left does not produce the corresponding compound(s) on the right when dissolved in water, we need to consider the chemical reactions that occur. Let's go through each compound one by one:

1. N2O5 -> HNO3:
When N2O5 dissolves in water, it reacts with water to form HNO3 (nitric acid), so this compound does produce the corresponding compound.

2. CaO -> Ca(OH)2:
When CaO (calcium oxide) dissolves in water, it reacts with water to form Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide), so this compound does produce the corresponding compound.

3. NaH -> NaOH + H2:
When NaH (sodium hydride) dissolves in water, it reacts with water to form NaOH (sodium hydroxide) and H2 (hydrogen gas), so this compound does produce the corresponding compounds.

4. SO2 -> H2SO4:
When SO2 (sulfur dioxide) dissolves in water, it reacts with water to form H2SO3 (sulfurous acid), and in the presence of oxygen, it can further oxidize to form H2SO4 (sulfuric acid). So while it does not directly produce H2SO4, it can indirectly form the corresponding compound.

5. Cl2O7 -> HClO4:
When Cl2O7 (dichlorine heptoxide) dissolves in water, it reacts with water to form HClO4 (perchloric acid), so this compound does produce the corresponding compound.

Based on the explanations above, the compound that does not produce the corresponding compound(s) on the right when dissolved in water is option 4: SO2.