If you converted a barometric pressure of 30.03, how would you convert to mm Hg and how would you convert that to mm H2O.

30.03 what? inches, feet, miles.

To convert barometric pressure from one unit to another, you need to use conversion factors. Let's first convert the barometric pressure from inches of mercury (in Hg) to millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

To convert inches of mercury (in Hg) to millimeters of mercury (mmHg), you can use the following conversion factor:
1 in Hg = 25.4 mmHg

So, to convert 30.03 in Hg to mmHg, you would multiply it by the conversion factor:

30.03 in Hg * 25.4 mmHg/in Hg ≈ 763.962 mmHg

Now, to convert millimeters of mercury (mmHg) to millimeters of water (mmH2O), you need to use another conversion factor:

1 mmHg = 13.6 mmH2O

Using this conversion factor, you can convert the pressure from mmHg to mmH2O:

763.962 mmHg * 13.6 mmH2O/mmHg ≈ 10,385.555 mmH2O

So, the conversion of a barometric pressure of 30.03 in Hg would be approximately 763.962 mmHg and 10,385.555 mmH2O.