from civil peace by chinua achebe

ehy do the theives help the lwegbus shout for the poice? that's is ironic about what they say and do?

In the short story "Civil Peace" by Chinua Achebe, the thieves help the lwegbus (bus conductors) shout for the police because they want to frame Jonathan, the main character, for their crimes. This act is ironic in two ways.

First, it is ironic that the thieves, who are engaged in criminal activities themselves, are pretending to be the victims seeking justice by calling the police. Instead of being afraid or cautious about being caught, they are manipulating the situation to their advantage.

Second, it is also ironic because the thieves are taking advantage of the chaos and disorder in post-war Nigeria to their benefit. While Jonathan, as a survivor of the war, appreciates the return of peace and the presence of law enforcement, the thieves are exploiting this for their own gain. Their actions demonstrate the corruption and moral decay that still exists in society, even after the war.

To understand the irony in this situation, you can analyze the actions and motivations of the thieves and how they contrast with what is expected or desired in a post-war society. By examining the story's context and the characters' behaviors, you can fully grasp the irony presented by Chinua Achebe.