In 2009 the American League’s New York Yankees won the World Series. The Yankees have played in a total of 40 World Series. Of those 40 appearances the Yankees have won 27 championships. Based solely on this data, what is the probability that the New York Yankees will represent the American League in the 2010 World Series and win the championship? Express your answer as a common fraction.

The Yankees were created in 1903. There have been 107 World series since then. The probability that they win the AL, based upon past results, is 40/107. The probability that they win the World series is 27/107.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

To calculate the probability that the New York Yankees will represent the American League in the 2010 World Series and win the championship, we need to consider the historical data provided.

The Yankees have played in a total of 40 World Series and have won 27 championships. However, the given information does not provide the details of how many times the Yankees have represented the American League in the World Series.

For the purpose of this calculation, we will assume that the Yankees have represented the American League a similar number of times as their championship wins, which is 27.

So, out of 40 World Series, the Yankees have represented the American League in 27 (assuming it aligns with their championship wins) and have won 27 championships.

The probability of the Yankees representing the American League in the 2010 World Series and winning the championship can be calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (27) by the number of possible outcomes (40):

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Number of possible outcomes
= 27 / 40

Therefore, the probability that the New York Yankees will represent the American League in the 2010 World Series and win the championship is 27/40.