what is the answer for 11x-21=17-8x

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ohk after yu subtract 8x from both sides where do yu go from there cause im stuck?

That's a start.

Now add 21 to both sides.

then divide?

do you divide after you add 21 to both sides???

Yes. What do you get for an answer?

To find the value of x in the equation 11x - 21 = 17 - 8x, we can simplify the equation and solve for x.

Step 1: Combine like terms
Starting with the left side of the equation, we have 11x - 21. Combining the constants, we get 11x - 21 + 21 = 11x, since -21 + 21 equals 0.

On the right side of the equation, we have 17 - 8x. To combine the constants, we rewrite the equation as 17 + (-8x). Combining 17 and -8x, we have 17 + (-8x) = -8x + 17.

Now the equation becomes 11x = -8x + 17.

Step 2: Move the variable terms to one side
Since we want to isolate the x term, let's move the -8x to the left side by adding 8x to both sides of the equation. This gives us:
11x + 8x = -8x + 8x + 17.

Adding 11x and 8x on the left side simplifies to 19x.

On the right side, -8x + 8x becomes 0, so we're left with 17.

Now the equation becomes 19x = 17.

Step 3: Solve for x
To solve for x, we need to get rid of the 19 that is multiplying x. To do this, we divide both sides of the equation by 19:
(19x)/19 = 17/19.

On the left side, 19x/19 simplifies to x, and on the right side, 17/19 cannot be simplified further.

Finally, we have the solution x = 17/19.

So, the value of x in the equation 11x - 21 = 17 - 8x is x = 17/19.