Marion has 4 cards, Jake has 4 cards, and Sam has 3 cards. Can you write a multiplication sentence to find how many cards they have in all? Explain.

(2 * 4) + 3


you know to roll all heads is a 1/8 probabilities,and to roll all tails is a probability.

To find the total number of cards Marion, Jake, and Sam have, you need to multiply the number of cards each person has and then sum up the results.

Marion has 4 cards, Jake has 4 cards, and Sam has 3 cards.

To write a multiplication sentence to find out the total number of cards, you need to add the number of cards each person has:

4 (cards for Marion) + 4 (cards for Jake) + 3 (cards for Sam) = 11.

So the multiplication sentence to find the total number of cards is:

4 cards * 1 person + 4 cards * 1 person + 3 cards * 1 person = 11 cards.

However, it's important to note that using a multiplication sentence to find the sum of numbers is not the most common or intuitive approach. In most cases, people would simply add the number of cards each person has directly, as shown in the calculation above.