I need help with intergers 3.2x10 3

3.2 * 10^3 means to move the decimal point three places to the right (if the number is negative, move it to the left). 3200

Correct answer.

answer is 39.36 but i might be wron.

To understand the number 3.2x10^3, we need to break it down.

First, let's take the number 3.2. This is a decimal number, also known as a float. It represents the value three and two-tenths.

Next, we have the exponent 10^3, which means 10 raised to the power of 3. In this case, 10^3 is equal to 10 multiplied by itself three times, which gives us 1,000. So, 10^3 represents one thousand.

Now, let's put the two parts together. When we multiply 3.2 by 10^3 (or 1,000), we get:

3.2 x 1,000 = 3,200.

Therefore, 3.2x10^3 is equal to 3,200.

In summary, to solve this type of problem, follow these steps:
1. Analyze the decimal portion (3.2 in this case).
2. Calculate the value of the exponent (10^3 = 1,000 in this case).
3. Multiply the decimal number by the exponent value.

Applying these steps, we found that 3.2x10^3 is equal to 3,200.