3 is to 15 as 4 is to___

would the blank be filled in as 20?

Right! :-)



To find the missing number in the analogy "3 is to 15 as 4 is to ___," we need to determine the relationship between the numbers in the first pair and then apply the same relationship to the second pair.

In the first pair, 3 is multiplied by 5 to equal 15 (3 * 5 = 15). So, the relationship between 3 and 15 is multiplication by 5.

Now, let's apply the same relationship to the second pair. If we multiply 4 by 5 (4 * 5), we find that the answer is 20.

Therefore, the missing number in the analogy is 20, making the completed analogy "3 is to 15 as 4 is to 20."