what is the value of x in the equation?

(may you solve it step by step.

That equation doesn't contain x.

Sorry there is no x

Sure! Let's solve the equation step by step to find the value of x.

Step 1: Expand the expressions on both sides of the equation.
2(b-3) + 5 = 3(b-1)
2b - 6 + 5 = 3b - 3

Step 2: Combine like terms.
2b - 1 = 3b - 3

Step 3: Move all the terms with "b" on one side of the equation and the constant terms on the other side.
Subtract 2b from both sides:
-1 = b - 3

Step 4: Let's isolate the "b" term by adding 3 to both sides:
-1 + 3 = b
2 = b

So, the value of b in the equation 2(b-3) + 5 = 3(b-1) is 2.