I got one more question.

I tried to figure out what should it be.
But still I don't have idea yet...
Help me please....

The question is
The expected absorbance range for the solutions to be tested is between 0.01 and 0.1. Describe what Simon will need to do to have confidence the spectrometer is accurately reading absorbance. Outline the procedure he will need to use including required equipment. 

To ensure that the spectrometer is accurately reading absorbance within the expected range of 0.01 to 0.1, Simon can follow the procedure outlined below, including the required equipment:

1. Calibration: Simon needs to calibrate the spectrometer using a known reference solution. This will establish a baseline reading for the spectrometer and ensure accurate measurements. To do this, he will need a reference solution with a known absorbance value, a cuvette to hold the solution, and a spectrophotometer calibration kit.

2. Blank Test: Simon should perform a blank test to account for any absorbance contributed by the solvent or the cuvette. He will need a clean cuvette filled with the solvent used in the solution to be tested. By measuring the absorbance of the solvent, any contribution from it can be subtracted from subsequent absorbance readings.

3. Test Solutions: Simon will prepare the solutions for testing, making sure they fall within the range of 0.01 to 0.1 absorbance. He will need the sample solutions, cuvettes to hold the solutions, and a pipette to measure the appropriate volume of each sample.

4. Measurement: Simon will insert a cuvette filled with the blank (from step 2) into the spectrometer, ensuring it is properly aligned. He will then set the spectrometer to the desired wavelength and adjust it to zero the absorbance reading using the blanks. Once the spectrometer is set, he can measure the absorbance of each test solution by inserting the cuvettes one at a time.

5. Data Analysis: After obtaining the absorbance readings for each test solution, Simon can calculate the average absorbance value and compare it to the expected range of 0.01 to 0.1. If the average falls within this range, it indicates that the spectrometer is accurately reading absorbance.

By following this procedure and using the necessary equipment, Simon can have confidence that the spectrometer is accurately measuring the absorbance of the solutions within the expected range.