Describe two features of a catalyst:

-used in the industrial manufacture of chemicals where the rate of production is important.

-assists reactants in their collisions but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.

Is this what they mean by "Give two features of a catalyst?" Because this is the basic information I have about catalysts in my book.

Yeah I think so. I think the most important thing to know about catalysts is that they speed up chemical reactions so if you include that it'll be fine.


Yes, you are correct. When asked to provide two features of a catalyst, the examples you mentioned are indeed suitable. It is important to note that the features of a catalyst can vary depending on the context or level of detail required. However, the features you provided are general characteristics that are commonly associated with catalysts.

1. Used in the industrial manufacture of chemicals where the rate of production is important:
Catalysts are widely used in industrial processes where the speed and efficiency of chemical reactions are crucial. By facilitating the reaction, catalysts can increase the rate of product formation. This is particularly important in industries where time and cost-effectiveness are key factors.

2. Assists reactants in their collisions but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction:
One characteristic that sets catalysts apart from other substances is that they are not consumed or permanently altered during a chemical reaction. While catalysts play an active role in enhancing the reaction rate, they ultimately remain unchanged and can be reused in subsequent reactions.

It's worth mentioning that catalysts have many other features and functions, depending on their specific nature and application. However, the features you provided accurately describe two fundamental properties of catalysts.