it's discrimination to mandate that police officers must conform to a certain height and weight.

which fallacies is this?

Straw Man

The statement you provided is an opinion about discrimination in terms of mandating height and weight requirements for police officers. However, it does not explicitly mention any fallacies. To identify fallacies, it is necessary to examine the reasoning used in the argument or statement. Without that reasoning, it is difficult to determine which fallacies may or may not be present.

To properly analyze this statement, we need to break it down:

1. Discrimination: The statement implies that mandating height and weight requirements for police officers is discriminatory. This can be seen as an argument against the practice. However, to determine if this is a fallacy, it would be necessary to identify the reasoning behind this claim.

2. Height and Weight Requirements: The statement suggests that requiring specific height and weight measurements from police officers is discriminatory. This implies that such requirements unfairly target certain individuals who may not meet these criteria. Whether or not this is a valid claim would depend on the rationale behind implementing such requirements.

To identify fallacies, it is essential to examine the reasoning provided in support of the claim that mandating height and weight requirements is discriminatory. Without further context or reasoning, it is difficult to identify specific fallacies in this statement.