Can you please check if everything is correct?

1) The last decades of the 18th century were characterized by enormous changes, (witnessed enormous changes?) which turned Britain from a mainly farming country toan industrial one.
2)In particular, there was a rise in population which increased the demand for clothes.
3)The most important inventions concerned macinery for cloth-making such as the spinning jenny and the water frme.
4) At first,most of the power to drive machinerey came from water but the need for more energy caused the development of steam-power.
5) As a consequence of th introduction of the stea-engine, new factories were built, which enabled Britain to manufacture cloth mor cheaply than elewhere.

1. toan = to an

3. macinery = machinery & water frme = ?

4. machinerey = machinery

5. th = the * stea- = steam- & mor = more
