1. When is the hospital open from?

- The hospital is open from 9:00 AM
to 7:00 PM

(Is the question correct? Do we have to add 'from' to the end?

2. When is the bank open?
2-1. When is the bank open from?
- The bank is open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
(Which question is correct?)

1. Omit "from." We try not to end sentences with prepositions.

2. is correct.

1. The question "When is the hospital open from?" is correct. It asks for the starting time of the hospital's opening hours.

2. Both questions "When is the bank open?" and "When is the bank open from?" are correct, but they focus on slightly different aspects.

- "When is the bank open?" asks for the general hours of operation for the bank.
- "When is the bank open from?" asks for the starting time of the bank's opening hours.

So, it depends on the specific information you are looking for. If you want to know the complete hours of operation, asking "When is the bank open?" would be appropriate. If you specifically want to know the starting time, asking "When is the bank open from?" would be more suitable.