I need help fixing up this essay so that it flows betters.

Here are the directions the teacher gave. Assignment: Compose a brief essay which specifically develops topic including a clear and relevant topic sentence. Provide at least one specific example and detail. Attendance is more than just showing up. You and others are affected by all of the aspects listed below.

Select one of the following and write a 200 word composition.

1. Attendance demands punctuality.

2. Attendance demands preparation.

3. Attendance demands participation.

Give examples, details, explanations, definitions where applicable

Attendance demands Punctuality meaning that not only should you make it a priority to show up but to also be on time. You have to make sure that you are always on time and ready to complete the tasks at hand. If you’re always late for work or school its shows your employer or teacher that your work or school is not very important to you. I myself always make an effort to arrive ten or more minutes early so that I’m never late. Attendance and Punctuality not only has an effect on your life but of those around Arriving on time causes fewer interruptions in the classroom and work place because there are less classroom disruptions. Attendance and Punctuality shows you can be counted on. If you are always punctual, people will naturally assume that they can count on you. If you arrive to work on time, hand in your assignments on time, are punctual to meetings and functions; your boss and co-workers will think of you as a dependable person.

To improve the flow of this essay, there are a few things you can do:

1. Begin with a clear topic sentence: Start the essay by stating the specific aspect of attendance you will be discussing. For example, you could write, "Punctuality is a crucial component of attendance as it demonstrates responsibility and reliability."

2. Use transition words: Transition words help to connect ideas and make the essay flow smoothly. For example, you could use words like "furthermore," "additionally," or "moreover" to introduce new points or examples.

3. Provide specific examples and details: The essay prompt asks for examples and details to support your discussion of attendance. Make sure to include specific instances or anecdotes that illustrate your points. For instance, you could mention a time when being punctual helped you in a professional or academic setting.

4. Use formal language: To enhance the professionalism of your essay, try to use more formal language. Avoid using contractions (e.g., "you're" instead of "you are") and informal phrases.

5. Proofread and edit: After making these changes, carefully review your essay for any grammar or punctuation errors. This will ensure that your essay is clean and polished.

By following these steps, you can fix up your essay and make it flow better while addressing the requirements of the assignment.