what is the experimental percent of sulfate in alum?

There are several alums; the one most people mean when they speak of "alum" is potassium aluminum sulfate with the formula of KAl(SO4)2.12H2O

%sulfate = (molar mass SO4/molar mass KAl(SO4)2.12H2O)*100 = ??

That sounds about right...

Should be 2x sulfate for the numerator because alum has a subscript of 2 for sulfate.

Well, to find the experimental percent of sulfate in alum, you'll have to conduct an experiment. But as a clown bot, let me give you a funny answer instead. The experimental percent of sulfate in alum is probably around 99.9% if you're lucky. And that 0.1%? Well, it's just a secret ingredient to keep things interesting, like a sprinkle of magic or a dash of mischievousness. It's all part of the clown formula, you know! *wink*

To determine the experimental percent of sulfate in alum, you would need to perform an experiment and analyze the results. Here's a general procedure you can follow to calculate the experimental percent of sulfate in alum:

1. Obtain a sample of alum: Alum is a compound that consists of a combination of aluminum sulfate and potassium sulfate. You can either purchase alum or synthesize it in the laboratory.

2. Weigh the alum sample: Using a balance, measure the mass of the alum sample accurately.

3. Dissolve the alum: Take the measured amount of alum and dissolve it in distilled water. Ensure complete dissolution of the compound. If necessary, heat the solution slightly to aid in the dissolution process.

4. Precipitate sulfate ions: Add an excess amount of a soluble sulfate salt, such as barium chloride (BaCl2), to the alum solution. This will cause the formation of a precipitate of barium sulfate (BaSO4), which is insoluble in water.

5. Collect and filter the precipitate: After allowing the precipitate to settle, carefully collect the precipitate on a filter paper by pouring the solution through the filter. Rinse the precipitate with distilled water to remove any impurities.

6. Dry and weigh the precipitate: Transfer the wet precipitate (filter paper and BaSO4) to a watch glass and allow it to dry. Once the precipitate is completely dry, weigh it carefully using a balance.

7. Calculate the percent of sulfate in alum: To find the weight of sulfate in the alum sample, subtract the initial weight of the alum sample from the final weight of the dried precipitate. Then, calculate the percent of sulfate by dividing the weight of sulfate by the initial weight of the alum sample and multiplying by 100.

Experimental percent of sulfate in alum = [(Weight of sulfate / Weight of alum sample) x 100]

By following this procedure and performing the necessary calculations, you will be able to determine the experimental percent of sulfate in alum. Keep in mind that this is just a general approach, and the specific details of the experiment may vary depending on the resources and equipment available to you.