i have two pairs of parellel sides all of equal length?

Then you are a parallelogram

If it also includes all right angles, it would be a square.

parallelogram or square

It sounds like you're describing a shape with four sides, where each pair of opposite sides is parallel and of equal length. This type of shape is called a rectangle.

To verify if your shape is a rectangle, you can apply the following steps:

1. Measure the lengths of all four sides using a ruler.
2. Compare the lengths of each pair of opposite sides. If they are equal, it suggests that your shape could be a rectangle.
3. Verify if all four angles of your shape are right angles (90 degrees). You can use a protractor or a right-angle tool to measure the angles at each corner. If all four angles are 90 degrees, it confirms that your shape is indeed a rectangle.

Keep in mind that these steps are a way to confirm if your shape is a rectangle. If the measurements and angles don't match the criteria, it may be a different shape.