1. Maybe we can get together on the weekend.

2. Maybe we can get together on weekend.

3. Maybe we can get together on weekends.

4. Maybe we can get together on a weekend.

(Which ones are grammatical?)

All are grammatical except for 2.

To determine which of the sentences are grammatical, we need to analyze the use of articles before the word "weekend."

1. "Maybe we can get together on the weekend." - This sentence is grammatically correct. It uses the article "the" before "weekend," referring to a specific weekend.

2. "Maybe we can get together on weekend." - This sentence is not grammatically correct. It does not use an article before "weekend." Instead, a definite or indefinite article should be used to indicate a specific or general time frame.

3. "Maybe we can get together on weekends." - This sentence is grammatically correct. It does not require an article because "weekends" is a plural noun that refers to multiple weekends in general.

4. "Maybe we can get together on a weekend." - This sentence is grammatically correct. It uses the indefinite article "a" before "weekend," suggesting one of many possible weekends.

Therefore, sentences 1, 3, and 4 are grammatically correct, while sentence 2 is not.