A man was jogging with his puppy along a busy local street, there was house construction happening near by and the jogger stepped on a fairly large piece of concrete (4 by 3 in) which blended into the sidewalk well that was without a doubt from the construction site. He hurt his ankle (severe sprain or possibly a fracture) and is unable to work on his farm, is hard for him to walk to class and take care of his dog now. He is on crutches for a week and in a splint for a month.

What charges if any would he have against the construction company

I am not a lawyer, but I can provide you with some general information. In a situation like this, the injured jogger may have potential legal claims against the construction company depending on the jurisdiction and applicable laws. It is important to consult with a personal injury attorney who can evaluate the specifics of the case.

To fully assess the potential charges, here are a few steps to consider:

1. Document the incident: The jogger should gather evidence related to the incident, such as photographs of the sidewalk, the concrete piece, and any visible injuries he suffered. It is also important to note the date, time, and location of the incident.

2. Seek medical attention: The jogger should visit a healthcare professional to evaluate the severity of the injury and receive appropriate treatment. It is crucial to keep copies of medical records, bills, and any other related documentation.

3. Find witnesses: If there were any witnesses to the incident, the jogger should gather their contact information. Witnesses can provide important testimony to support his case.

4. Contact a personal injury attorney: Consulting with a personal injury attorney would provide legal guidance specific to this situation. They can review the collected evidence, assess liability, and advise on the potential claims against the construction company.

5. Determine legal claims: During the consultation, the attorney will help identify potential legal claims that may apply in this case. Some possible claims could include premises liability (if the construction company was negligent in maintaining a safe environment) or negligence on the part of the construction company for not properly securing the construction site.

It is important to note that laws and legal processes may vary depending on the jurisdiction. Therefore, consulting with a qualified attorney is essential for accurate advice tailored to the specific circumstances.