Which of the following is NOT a question you need to answer to choose a persuasive strategy?

A What do you want readers to do?
B What points will the audience agree with?
C How strong a case can you make?
D What kind of persuasion does your organization value?

I am completely clueless as to what the answer to this question is. I tried looking through my textbook for the answer but am stuck. Please help me?

This is strange, for sure. I think I'd choose D, though, since the organization's preferences may or may not be relevant -- only whatever your readers will respond well to.

If trying to persuade people, I would not need to answer what they agree to, since I am trying to change their opinions/behavior.

However, I can also understand Writeacher's point.

To determine which of the listed options is NOT a question you need to answer to choose a persuasive strategy, let's go through each option and analyze its relevance in the context:

A) "What do you want readers to do?" This question is crucial to consider when choosing a persuasive strategy because it helps define the desired outcome or action you want your readers to take. For example, if you want them to make a purchase, you would use a different persuasive strategy than if you wanted them to sign a petition.

B) "What points will the audience agree with?" Understanding the perspective and beliefs of your audience is essential to selecting persuasive strategies. By identifying common ground or shared values, you can tailor your message to resonate with the audience and increase the likelihood of them being persuaded.

C) "How strong a case can you make?" The strength of your argument, evidence, and supporting facts is critical in determining which persuasive strategies to employ. If you have robust evidence and logical reasoning to back up your claims, certain strategies such as using statistics and examples may be more effective.

D) "What kind of persuasion does your organization value?" Organizations often have specific values, principles, or approaches they prefer to follow when it comes to persuasion. Considering this can help align your persuasive strategies with the overall objectives and values of your organization.

Based on this analysis, the option that appears to be NOT directly relevant to choosing a persuasive strategy is D) "What kind of persuasion does your organization value?" While this question may be valuable in terms of organizational alignment, it does not directly impact the selection of persuasive strategies for a particular audience or situation.

Therefore, the answer to the question is D) What kind of persuasion does your organization value?