How do I make a math factor tree using the number 115 and make it look like a tree for real?

To make a math factor tree for the number 115, follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by placing the number 115 at the top of your page.


Step 2: Divide 115 by its smallest prime factor. The smallest prime factor of 115 is 5, and 115 divided by 5 equals 23. Place the number 5 on the left branch, and the number 23 on the right branch.

/ \
5 23

Step 3: Now, 23 is already a prime number, so we cannot divide it further. However, we can see that 5 is not a prime number. We need to repeat the process for 5.

/ \
5 23

Step 4: Divide 5 by its smallest prime factor, which is also 5. The result is 1, which means we cannot divide it further. Place the number 5 at the bottom of the previous 5.

/ \
5 23

Your factor tree is now complete. This tree visually represents the prime factorization of the number 115, which is 5 * 23.

Note: To make it look more like a tree in real-life, you can draw branches extending from the main branches and repeat the process until all numbers are prime or equal to 1. You can also use colors and other visually pleasing design elements to make it look attractive.