When writing a paragraph there should be a topic sentence and supporting points what would be the readers reactions if there was not?

Boredom, confusion, apathy

Confusion, questions: Such as, what is the point, what am I reading, what is this, did the author have an idea?

If a paragraph lacks a clear topic sentence and supporting points, readers may experience confusion, difficulty in following the writer's train of thought, or a sense of disorganization. Without a topic sentence, readers may struggle to understand the main point or theme of the paragraph, making it challenging for them to grasp the writer's intended message. Additionally, without supporting points, readers may find it challenging to see how the ideas presented in the paragraph relate to each other or to the overall topic. Consequently, readers may become disengaged or lose interest in the text, as it can be frustrating to navigate a paragraph that lacks structure and coherence.

To avoid this, writers should ensure that their paragraphs have a clear and concise topic sentence that conveys the main idea of the paragraph. This topic sentence serves as a guidepost for readers, signaling what the paragraph will discuss. Additionally, writers should provide adequate supporting points or evidence to develop and explain the main idea further. These supporting points can be examples, facts, statistics, or any other relevant information that helps to clarify and strengthen the main idea presented in the topic sentence.

By including a well-crafted topic sentence and supporting points, writers can enhance the clarity, organization, and coherence of their paragraphs, thereby facilitating readers' comprehension and engagement with the text.