What is the classification for this polynomial?


A. monomial
B. binomial
C. trinomial

To determine the classification of a given polynomial, we need to understand the terms monomial, binomial, and trinomial.

A monomial is a polynomial with only one term. It consists of a coefficient multiplied by one or more variables raised to non-negative integer exponents. For example, 5xy^3 and -2x^2 are monomials.

A binomial is a polynomial with exactly two terms. It consists of the sum or difference of two monomials. For example, 3x^2 + 2x and 5y - 7x^2z are binomials.

A trinomial is a polynomial with exactly three terms. It consists of the sum or difference of three monomials. For example, 2x^3 + 3x^2y - 4z and 2x^2 - 5y^3 + z^2 are trinomials.

Now, let's analyze the given polynomial: 4g^2h^4j^2 + 3g^6h^8.

We can see that this polynomial has two terms, separated by the plus sign. Therefore, it is classified as a binomial. So, the correct answer is:

B. binomial