Is the meso indians nomadic or sedentary?

i dont know said bob then susan said bob shut up then bob said make me. then susan didnt say nothing

What color is the sky?


To determine whether the Meso Indians were nomadic or sedentary, we can look into historical records and archaeological evidence. The term "Meso Indians" is a broad reference to the various indigenous cultures that inhabited the Mesoamerican region, including the Maya, Aztec, Olmec, and many others across different time periods.

While it is important to note that different Mesoamerican cultures had varying lifestyles, a general pattern emerges. Most of the Meso Indian civilizations were primarily sedentary or semi-sedentary, meaning they established permanent or semi-permanent settlements and engaged in agricultural activities.

These Mesoamerican cultures often relied on farming techniques such as terraced agriculture, maize cultivation, and the use of chinampas (artificial islands for agriculture). These agricultural practices required settled communities to tend to their crops and manage irrigation systems.

Additionally, Mesoamerican civilizations, like the Maya and Aztec, built monumental cities with extensive architecture, including pyramids, temples, and palaces, which further suggests a sedentary lifestyle.

However, it is important to mention that not all Meso Indians were completely sedentary. Some cultures, particularly those in more marginal environments, may have engaged in seasonal or temporary migration to access different resources or for ceremonial purposes. But overall, the majority of Meso Indian civilizations can be considered sedentary or semi-sedentary based on the available historical and archaeological evidence.