Pyramid has a base 6 yards X 6yards. Its height is 4 yards.

Surface Area=

I got 60 square yards for the surface area but it was wrong.

Nevermind, I figured them out.

To calculate the volume of a pyramid, you can use the formula:

Volume = (1/3) * Base Area * Height

In this case, the base of the pyramid is a square with sides measuring 6 yards each, so the base area is:

Base Area = length * width = 6 yards * 6 yards = 36 square yards

And the height of the pyramid is given as 4 yards. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Volume = (1/3) * 36 square yards * 4 yards = 48 cubic yards

Therefore, the volume of the pyramid is 48 cubic yards.

Now let's move on to calculating the surface area of the pyramid. To find the surface area of a pyramid, you need to calculate the areas of all its faces and add them up.

In this case, the pyramid has a square base, so there are four identical triangular faces. Each triangular face has a base equal to the length of one side of the square base (6 yards) and a height equal to the height of the pyramid (4 yards).

The formula to find the area of a triangle is:

Area = (1/2) * base * height

Plugging in the values for the base and height, we get:

Area = (1/2) * 6 yards * 4 yards = 12 square yards

Since there are four triangular faces, the total surface area of the pyramid is:

Surface Area = 4 * 12 square yards = 48 square yards

Therefore, the correct surface area of the pyramid is 48 square yards, not 60 square yards.